I. Julius Blum GmbH, Industriestrasse 1, 6973 Hoechst, Austria operates a website with the address This ‘contact form’ will be used to process the following personal data:
- First name, surname, - Company, - Email address.
II. Julius Blum GmbH collects and holds this data for the sole purpose of sending newsletters with information about our products, services, trade shows and special topics to subscribers. The reading behaviour (e.g. opening, clicks) of all recipients will be tracked and evaluated in a condensed (anonymous) overview in order to improve the newsletter service. This data is stored for a period of 3 (three) years.
III. If necessary for the purpose stated in section 2, your data will be passed on within our corporate group and to our distribution partner. Our corporate group of companies affiliated with Julius Blum GmbH consists of:
- Julius Blum GmbH, Austria - Blum Inc., USA - Blum UK, UK - Blum Canada Ltd., Canada - Blum France S.A.R.L., France - Blum Svenska AB, Sweden - Blum s r.o., Czech Republic - Blum Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland - Blum GmbH, Germany - Blum OOO, Russia - Blum Australia Pty Ltd., Australia - Blum S.E.A. Pty Ltd., Singapore - Blum Hungaria Kft., Hungary - Blum Romania S.R.L., Romania - Blum do Brasil, Ind. e Commercio de Ferragens Ltda., Brazil - Blum Furniture Hardware (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., China - Blum Mexico Herrajes para Muebles R.L. de C.V., Mexico - Blum Ukraine TOV, Ukraine - Blum Furniture Hardware Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong - Blum TR Mobilya Limited Sirketi, Turkey - Blum New Zealand Limited, New Zealand - Blum Afrique du Nord S.A.R.L., Tunisia - Luso Blum - Ferragens para Moveis, Unipessoal Lda, Portugal - Blum Hellas SA, Greece - Blum Vietnam Co., Ltd., Vietnam - Blum India Private Ltd., India - Blum Central Asia TOO, Kazakhstan - Blum Schweiz GmbH, Switzerland - Blum Slovensko, Slovakia An up-to-date list of our subsidiaries and distribution partners can be found on
and on
IV. By clicking the checkbox, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood this Declaration of Consent and that you explicitly agree to your personal data, as specified in Section 1, being processed and used for the purpose(s), as specified in Section 2.
Furthermore, by clicking the checkbox, you explicitly agree that your personal data may be shared with/passed on to companies within our corporate group, as well as our distribution partners.
We would hereby like to inform you that you can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the email address or by submitting a declaration to this effect to Julius Blum GmbH, Industriestrasse 1, 6973 Hoechst, Austria. Please bear in the mind, however, that withdrawing your consent means you will no longer receive any information about our company or our products. This will be effective from the time of withdrawal.
If you are unsure which of your personal data we process, you can request confirmation of this from us, have any inaccuracies corrected, or have your personal data deleted by us. In addition, the right to restrict access to data and the right to data portability is applied on a case-by-case basis. Please send any corresponding requests to the address stated in the section above.
Should you be of the opinion that the processing of your personal data is in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or of the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG), you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority, the Austrian Data Protection Authority, Hohenstaufengasse 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria, email address .