Swiss all CAD

Swiss all CAD guarantees integrated 3D planning from A-Z. Based on AutoCAD, ZWCAD and BricsCAD, Swiss all CAD can cater to your every need. Seamless CAD-CAM / CAD-ERP connection for batch size 1. Everything from the same DWG, direct drawing creation in 3D, rendering, customer drawings, working drawings, etc. Direct transfer to common CNC machines (WoodWOP / Xilog-Maestro / NC-Hops / TPAEdi, etc.) are a matter of course for us. Connection to ERP systems such as Ak-Soft, Borm, Elefant, Heos, SwissSoft, Treichler, Triviso, etc. DWG, DXF, PDF are natively processed. Lots of import and export formats, etc. also IFC for BIM. Swiss all CAD will win you over with its easy handling, transparency, customer focus, precision and cost-effective implementation.