Committed to environmental protection for decades
It will always be of great importance and an incentive to us to preserve natural resources for future generations. We firmly believe that economic and environmental performance must go hand in hand if we are to achieve sustainable management. That is why we contribute to positive societal development in our surroundings.
We base our daily actions on the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goalsand take them into consideration with an eye to the future.
These goals mean the following for a global company like ours:
Our core business activities are geared to manufacturing high quality and sustainable products that are suitable for their applications. To this end, we use resources carefully and avoid any negative impacts on "ecosystem Earth", or compensate for them when there is no alternative.
In terms of innovations, we explore how sustainability can open up opportunities for new products, services and business models.
We show respect towards the people and organisations with which we are associated. The health and safety of everyone around us is of utmost importance to us.
We are committed to responsible growth. Aspects of ecological and social sustainability are just as important to us as the financial health of our company. We also take this into consideration in our investment decisions.
We see our environmental and energy policy as a mission and commitment to continuously review and reduce our environmental impact and our use of natural resources, such as soil, air, energy and raw materials. And this has held true for decades.

Our passion for continuously optimising existing solutions and remaining open to new ideas also applies to our production processes, protecting the environment and saving energy: "This is why we also constantly optimise our processes and give thought to sustainability as soon as we start developing our products. We take environmental protection very seriously and strive to reduce energy requirements in all corporate fields and along the entire value-added chain. Our stated objective is to make an active contribution towards the 1.5 degree Celsius target set by the United Nations", explains Managing Director Martin Blum.

All these measures can be summarised under four objectives: to increase energy efficiency, reduce the use of fossil energy sources, cut CO2 emissions and offset unavoidable emissions. "We will provide all the funding, resources and information needed to achieve the goals set before us. As a founding member of "turn-to-zero" – which developed out of the Vorarlberg Alliance on Climate Neutrality – we have also committed to making our company footprint climate neutral by 2025", reports Managing Director Philipp Blum and adds: "Every single employee has a crucial part to play in implementing our environmental and energy goals. There are lots of ways to save the environment: use a mug instead of a plastic beaker when you have a coffee; ride your bike or take public transport to work and separate waste for recycling. We are very much aware of this and work at it every day."

moving ideas for sustainability
To bring ever more sustainability to our working environment and products, we work tirelessly to identify both big and small changes that we can make. Many of these have already been implemented, and others are in the pipeline. Find out more in our sustainability brochure

ISO 14001
Our Environmental Management System has been in place since 1997 and has helped us to systematically improve our environmental performance. Measures are continuously recorded in an environmental programme and implemented with consistency. Regular audits monitor compliance and efficacy.

ISO 50001
Blum is certified to the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard. This international standard outlines best energy management practices worldwide and helps us reduce energy costs and greenhouse gases.

FSC certification means that all packaging, printed documents such as catalogues and brochures, and chipboard in the self-assembly sets are only made from raw materials that have been produced in environmentally friendly and socially responsible forestry and timber industries.