Facts & figures
The 2023/2024 financial year
Blum’s financial year extends from 1 July to 30 June. You will find a summary of key figures for the current business year here.
As of 2024/07/01

Sales worldwide
million euros

million euros
Employees worldwide

Employees in Vorarlberg

6 637

Subsidiaries & representative offices
Throughout the world
Subsidiaries and representative offices
Blum Sweden
Blum USA
Blum Canada
Blum Germany
Blum U.K.
Blum Norway
Blum France
Blum Poland
Czech Republic
Blum Hungary
Blum Romania
Blum Turkey
Blum Australia
Blum Brazil
Blum Singapore
Blum China
Blum Ukraine
Blum Mexiko
Blum Kazakhstan
Blum Hong Kong
Blum New Zealand
Blum Portugal
Blum Greece
Blum Azerbaijan
Blum Switzerland
Blum Slowakia
Blum Indonesia
Blum Tunisia
Blum South Africa
Blum Malaysia
Blum Argentinia

Philipp Blum and Martin Blum
Company and management structure
Julius Blum GmbH is a family-owned company: Martin Blum 26%, Philipp Blum 26%, Blum Private Foundation 48%.